Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random Post

As I was watching my next door neighbor changing *Pause ahaha just joking but seriously as I was going for my nightly jog across pickering I asked myself where the hell did all the snow go? It wasn't long ago that I was actually getting bored of snowdays so now I'm asking myself what the fuck happened? I know all of you remember SchoolBusMonitor there was a time where i had that site locked and bookmarked. Even though it's a 5 minute drive from my house to the school my theory is if the yellow school buses can't make it to school then I can't either.

So to retaliate against nature I decided on march 2nd (don't ask me why I picked that date) I decided that, snow or no snow im not going to school and I'm going to phone the school myself and tell them I had planned a snow day on this day and therefore will not be coming to school. You guys probably think I'm bs-ing but if I come to school that day i give you permission to throw snowballs at me assuming there is going to be snow atleast....

well in other news I know you guys like free stuff so I'm going to let you guys in some secrets that only I know :O k get ready for this;

  • Free Tickets to Dirty Dancing - February 13 & 14, 21 & 22 at 3pm, Honest Ed’s will be handing out 1,000 free tickets to the musical Dirty Dancing.

  • National Hockey Cards Day - Celebrate National Hockey Card Day with a free pack of Upper Deck NHL hockey cards on Saturday February 21, 2009 at a participating hobby shop in the GTA.

There's more but its getting late and Im too tired to be reading up shit for you guys, that is unless you start paying for this blog haha just playin

O btw if you ever dreamed about having a dance party on the subway heres your chance this Saturday it'll be the second annual subway dance party, ill let the video do the talking here you go

if you got any questions or actually interested just leave a comment I guess.. Peace, Cadeezed

Edit: Shit I just had to post this, after watching this you're going to be wondering why isnt there this kind of fire in the raptors anymore tsk tsk tsk

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