Saturday, February 21, 2009

Shootings at Pacific Mall?

"A 26-year-old man is dead after being shot in the head in the mobile phone store where he worked inside Markham's Pacific Mall last night."

Damn I can't stay on for much right now and ill give you more details after but all I can say is wtf we got Asians involved in shootings now? Were suppose to be the race that takes out our anger in Pokemon stadium, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, or hardcore dance dance revolution Vs. mode but I guess we Asians go hard now...

Ps look at the shit they just had to write before they ended the article "The mall is infamously known as one of the largest centres of illegal DVD sales on the continent, and police have seized thousands of bootlegged merchandise in raids over the last several years." On the continent!?! Damn man the guy is exposing Asians, the writer's probably just mad that the cops raided all the bootleg porn from his favourite store.

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