Friday, February 27, 2009

Random Post

"Your factory warranty is about to expire ... You are still eligible to reactivate warranty coverage ... This is the final call before we close the file. Press 1 to speak to a representative about your vehicle, press 2 to be taken off the follow-up list."

Is it just me or do these things keep on fucking coming its starting to piss off and I know im not the only one thats gets these messages my nigz kennys-kens, O'juice, and J-Grillz all have been getting them and I know the millions of readers on this blog has gotten it atleast once. So the in crowd decided to do a little dectective work and heres what I came up with...

It looks like this scam has been going on for years in the US and has not somehow made its way to Canada but my question is how the fuck is a Missouri based company get away with scam calling Canadians. Im tired of sitting in class and hearing my mobile phone go off only to hear that its for a car warranty, and the only excuse i can tell my teacher is that my insurance company called me and told me that my car warranty is expiring. I mean even saskatchewan has blacklisted the company, why can't we?

If you want a full explanation ch ch check this out

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The In Crowd Presents...

Here is the newest thing out of the streets of Altona Rd. The baddest thing to walk the halls of St.Mary, and fellow friend of all members of the In Crowd. Giancarlo releases his first single of the possible future mixtape "Documents of a Skool Boy" Chartered Accoutant featuring yours truly...Juice The Jamaican Canadian Thug.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remember This......Episode 2

With the premiere of Transformers II approaching, I decided to take a stroll down memory lane and came up with the second episode of "Remember This..." You people remember "Beasties" or "Beast Wars" same show...different title. But yea, it was basically all the transformers characters as animals. With like Optimus as the Gorilla and Megatron as the T-Rex. Don't remember? Let me refresh your memory.

Remember now??

Where Dreams Become Heart Attacks...

So...this was brought to my attention. I am the kind of person who really does wonder why fat people are so fat. This post may come off as offensive to fat people and by fat people I mean people that are so large that they can't see their own toes and the sun really don't shine where the sun don't shine. So here it I said before, I am the type of person that wonders how fat people(as described before) are so fat. Well now I know, fat people are fat because they eat the most creative/disgusting foods I possibly ever seen. If you are wondering I am talking about, which I know you are, click HERE. Now you know...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We don't usually post movies but since the Academy's just recently passed I decided to watch a movie flick on this boring day. I stumbled upon a movie called Gommorrah yeah you're probably thinking wtf is this? But if you're looking for the closest thing to a modern day Godfather-esque film then you have to watch this and plus its a true story

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bale Out
Christian Bale is my favourite actor in Hollywood, so you can imagine how disappointed i was when i heard his little meltdown on set. But with all that being said, i think he may have a career in the music industry because his song is the catchiest shit i've heard in a while.........................................................................................................................
Raptors Win! Raptors Win!
Took long enough, but the raptors finally won a game in the Shawn Marion era. It was only the Knicks so there isnt much to be happy about, seeing as how our perimeter defense is still shit. Trade Kapono in the offseason pleeeeease Colangelo, and get somebody that can play defense, instead of a guy thats considered a "shooter" but cant even shoot a load into his pants. But we still won one in a row! And i dont know about anyone else, but im just about ready to jump on the Raptors 2008-2009 NBA Champion Bandwagon ;)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Attic Society: Hipsters or Hypebeasts?

The "Basement" society, consisting of J-is-Garbage, the Shitsteen, and Keon-Crap, has recently surfaced to regurgitate shit from the web on to your screen and The In Crowd will show you what's good about these hypesters from the soft side of Malvern. The group, led by GarbageJ, bring you the news you probably heard about two hours ago and post it on their blog in an attempt to connect with their loyal viewer(s)... Consisting of songs they heard from another man's blog or the latest fashions from viewing pictures of Kanye, the blog is nothing more than a hipster fan site. Let me hand the mic over to the other In Crowd members for an in-depth elaboration on the subject...

Its cadiz checkin in I just saw my boy just write this post up so I'm going to add-on to this post. First of all I don't really check out the site myself, so today I decided to check it out. The first post that caught my eye was keon-cam or crap on shopping tips while in a recession.... LOL damn Keon I hope your not broke already. So you know what let me show you my own video about how to shop with all my extra cash or what I call change even with this recession

Did you watch that? take notes Keon and to my boy J-is-Garbage thanks for all the links I don't know how you seem to find all of them it amazes me. Damn it must take you hours to make a post that literally took me 30 minutes I don't know how you do it everyday and to Shitsteen... LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFF. Alright im done let me send the mic to my nigz O'jizzle

Continued from The In Crowd's previous post..this is just my input
its not much...but does the job...I think...
Oh yea....stop the music on the playlist and turn up the volume...this isn't the loudest video

Incase you don't know what were talking about, it is:
It's old and trashy... it belongs in an attic.

Shaquille O'Neal: Modern Day Renaissance Man

Shaq Fu. One may know him as a legend on the basketball court but there is more to what you know about #32. Aside from winning four NBA Championships, the man is also a well known composer. Don't believe me? Check this shit out.

He not only falls into the musical culture as he is quite the accomplished dancer as well. From earlier posts, you may have seen his induction to America's first Best Dance Crew, the Jabbawockeez; but here is more proof of Shaq's abilities on the hardwood...

In conclusion, Shaquille O'Neal is one of the world's most diversely talented people. When he's not on the court, he's ripping a mic or showing off his dance moves. On that note, I leave you with Shaq's case as to why he is the best.

Snoop makes mashed potatoes

I knew watching Martha in the mornings when I dont go to school would pay off one day


Random Rant, But Somewhat Informative

I Believe it was February 19th where President Barack Obama made his first official visit to Canada to speak to Prime Minister Stephen Harper about the shitty economy in the world. They also spoke about establishing a "CLEAN ENGERY DIALOGUE". This will consist of developing clean energy science and new technology that will cut down greenhouse gases. Ok...well enough of the boring stuff...heres what I really wanted to talk about.
I find it funny that people got out of th
eir beds at all hours of the
 night/morning to go camp out at Parliament Hill to see Obama walk into the Parliament Building. I can bet anything that 1% of the thousands of people there got to see him, due the simple fact that whole place was barricaded off and that he was probably surrounded by tons of those big dudes that we call Secret Service. Just by that, I can easily assume that a few thousand people went home disappointed. And then there are those few people who did see and went home and said "I SAW BARACK OBAMA'S HAND WAVE" LOL...they saw his hand wave from behind a bunch of Secret Service agents and they feel amazing. I find that hilarious. One more thing, I bet those people did not know that Obama was only going to be in Canada for SIX FRIGGIN  HOURS! It's not like the man was going to be here for a while. He said himself that he plans to be home by dinner time. So why waste your time going to see him. Don't get me wrong though, I love Obama and everything he stands for (well...everything but the support for homosexual marriage...but that's a story for another day) but some people are just crazy. One more thing...CBC, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation,(this part right here was inspired by Mr. Gogolek) showed a 10 hour long broadcast from Ottawa of Obama's visit. The first few hours of this was them filming Air Force One landing for an TWO WHOLE HOURS with commentary that went something like this "Look, there's AF1(Air Force One), ahh yes...AF1...there it's going to land soon, there it is again..AF1" really interesting to watch huh? But anyways...this is getting long and I know you are saying that this is pointless so im gone.


Shootings at Pacific Mall?

"A 26-year-old man is dead after being shot in the head in the mobile phone store where he worked inside Markham's Pacific Mall last night."

Damn I can't stay on for much right now and ill give you more details after but all I can say is wtf we got Asians involved in shootings now? Were suppose to be the race that takes out our anger in Pokemon stadium, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, or hardcore dance dance revolution Vs. mode but I guess we Asians go hard now...

Ps look at the shit they just had to write before they ended the article "The mall is infamously known as one of the largest centres of illegal DVD sales on the continent, and police have seized thousands of bootlegged merchandise in raids over the last several years." On the continent!?! Damn man the guy is exposing Asians, the writer's probably just mad that the cops raided all the bootleg porn from his favourite store.

Friday, February 20, 2009

He Took Her Down HARD.....

Who can say...Chris Brown SLAPPED a bitch...I can...CHRIS BROWN SLAPPED A BITCH!
This is the story....the short form of it...
They were driving from a Pre-Grammy Party and Chris Brown couldn't contain his teenage hormones and got just a tad bit horny...just a tad... and told Rihanna "I wanna take you down" but Rihanna wasn't in the mood...she was tired and replied by saying "SHUT UP AND DRIVE". This made Chris Brown angry and after some cussing their arguement resulted in Rihanna gettin the living shit beat out of her pretty face. Life's Rough

LMAO....I am just too damn funny

P.S click "SLAPPED" to see the aftermath of this tragic occasion

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Worst Rapper of All-Time...

Look at him... There's a few things I can't stand... and Chamillionaire is one of them. You may remember him from back in the day for the song "Ridin". You sure as fuck won't remember him for anything else. I am personally annoyed by this asshole because he is actually coming out with a new album Venom which should be set to release this year. Chamillionaire sucks ass! I encourage anyone reading this article to boycott Chamillionaire music cause it is SHIT and we need to send a message to this mother fucker that he needs to stop immediately.
P.S. Just look at him... isn't he the ugliest mother fucker you've ever seen?

Day N Nite

From being an employee at Bape to being discovered by Kanye, Kid Cudi is making his way up. The first thing that comes up to mind when I watch this video is "if only I was high" Enjoy

Random Post

As I was watching my next door neighbor changing *Pause ahaha just joking but seriously as I was going for my nightly jog across pickering I asked myself where the hell did all the snow go? It wasn't long ago that I was actually getting bored of snowdays so now I'm asking myself what the fuck happened? I know all of you remember SchoolBusMonitor there was a time where i had that site locked and bookmarked. Even though it's a 5 minute drive from my house to the school my theory is if the yellow school buses can't make it to school then I can't either.

So to retaliate against nature I decided on march 2nd (don't ask me why I picked that date) I decided that, snow or no snow im not going to school and I'm going to phone the school myself and tell them I had planned a snow day on this day and therefore will not be coming to school. You guys probably think I'm bs-ing but if I come to school that day i give you permission to throw snowballs at me assuming there is going to be snow atleast....

well in other news I know you guys like free stuff so I'm going to let you guys in some secrets that only I know :O k get ready for this;

  • Free Tickets to Dirty Dancing - February 13 & 14, 21 & 22 at 3pm, Honest Ed’s will be handing out 1,000 free tickets to the musical Dirty Dancing.

  • National Hockey Cards Day - Celebrate National Hockey Card Day with a free pack of Upper Deck NHL hockey cards on Saturday February 21, 2009 at a participating hobby shop in the GTA.

There's more but its getting late and Im too tired to be reading up shit for you guys, that is unless you start paying for this blog haha just playin

O btw if you ever dreamed about having a dance party on the subway heres your chance this Saturday it'll be the second annual subway dance party, ill let the video do the talking here you go

if you got any questions or actually interested just leave a comment I guess.. Peace, Cadeezed

Edit: Shit I just had to post this, after watching this you're going to be wondering why isnt there this kind of fire in the raptors anymore tsk tsk tsk

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ATTENTION LUPE FANS: Lupe Is Not Retiring!!

I don't know about you guys...but this is EXCELLENT news to me. LUPE FIASCO IS NOT RETIRING! Well at least not anytime soon...his "last" album was set to release later on this year. The album has been "postponed indefinitely!!!". Instead he will be releasing another album this june called THE GREAT AMERICAN RAP ALBUM. This is what the man himself had to say...

Via FnF Army

"Due to circumstances beyond my control...the album roll out has changed radically...LUPE.N.D. has been postponed indefinitely!!!

As a matter of fact consider it cancelled until further notice!!!

Sorry Guys & Gals!!!!...the rumor mill and bitch ass cowards are going to have a field day with this one!!!...I'll just keep quiet about the actual reasoning so everybody can put their very special two cents in... what now???

Actually an album is still coming in June...Thats Right!!!...Drum Roll Please...


Yeah thats the new title...

want the tracklist?


1. Song #1
2. Song #2
3. Song #3
4. Song #4
5. Song #5
6. Song #6
7. Song #7
8. Song #8
9. Song #9
10. Song #10
11. The Greatest Rap Song Ever Made

No B.S."

This is great news for me as a fan. But still WHERE YOU AT LU!!!....get back on those mixtapes!!

What a wonderful time to come back to the blog world

I think i speak for everyone when I say I can't wait for this movie to come out. First of all who cares about the concert, its 3D. I had a chance to watch spy kids 3D when I was young but never got to see it and i find out 3 days later from my friends that it probably was the greatest movie ever created so fuck it im not missing my chance to watch this bad boy in 3D... Supposedly theres going to be a huge lineup at the AMC at young and dundas so im going to make sure im going to be the first one in line for this movie don't worry ill post pics and a couple of interviews (in partnership with RobTV of course lol) me and my homie O'jizzle are reaching anyone tagging along? more dets coming soon for now let me pass the mic to juice the african canadian thug

Oj what do you got to say?

The day is slowly approaching where me and the homeboy c-dizzle are gonna make the journey to the AMC at younge and dundas and wait in line and experience the "thrill" of being in line waiting for the premiere of.....wait for it.....YES...THE JONAS BROTHERS: THE 3D CONCERT EXPERIENCE!!!!! we'll be bring you live video(no we are not sneaking a camera into the theatre and bootlegging it),interviews and pictures from this historic event...stay posted

My All Time Favourite Raptor

Well after seeing the raptors get destroyed by Lebron and his got me thinking( this happens often. so expect random posts about my thoughts), what if the raptors still had my boy Alvin Williams back when he was in his guy was sick..dude is my all time favourite are some of his higlights
enjoy that....

Remember This......Episode 1

Whats HAPPENIN?!?!im gonna be doing a lil thing called remember this thing called "Remember This...." where i think once a week,once every two weeks or even once a month...i dont know...i havent decided yet...but yea....for now we'll just say every once in a while im gonna post things from back in the dayit can be music, tv shows, cartoon characters, even some clothesenjoy this shit....i know i will.

so heres the first, its gonna be an simple onemy boy from St. Louis..the Lunatic..NELLY!!!

grade 6 days....i know everyone remembers this

kenny-kens: Newest motherfuckin' rookie

It's 1 in the morning... I get the call to help my niggs' Juice and Cadiz post the most informative shit you'll ever find on the web and so you'll be hearing about whats good from ken-star, cadizzle and my negro Juice the African Canadian Thug. holler.

And the artist of the month goes to...

Just listen

Welcome to Heartbreak

Shaq?? The Newest Jabbawokee

My Boy Shaq...always makin me laugh...adding to his list of names
"The Big Shaqawokee" one of the main reasons why i watch the all star game
keep doing ur thing Shaq...


The title explains it all

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Alright, this is my nothing better to do...wanted to help out my boy....and i wanted to see whats good with this blog here i am...this is me...

Fuck it im back

After a shitlong hiatus im back mothafuckas ill post some shit soon time in the meanwhile read my old shit arite? k peace