Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Damn after 17 years Jay Leno is finally leaving and all i can say is its about time, I don't know if he was just getting old but hes not even funny anymore, but who will replace him? None other than Conan O'Brian probably the funniest late night show host out there. I know this is old news to some people but o well.

So your probably asking yourself well then who is going to replace Conan? and if your not asking yourself that question then you better start asking that question because I'm about to answer it... (Drum Roll please) None other then Faggot no that's not his real name and if you haven't checked the link already, its former SNL personality Jimmy Fallon. His first show was today and all I can say is... It sucked, enough said, if you watched it tonight I think you'll agree with me. I hope it gets better from here because if not, Jimmy Fallon better get ready for the most inspirational, the most encouraging letter that I will ever write that will change his life and hopefully his humour and will therefore make him the funniest thing out there. No worries guys I got it all covered. In the meanwhile i'll leave you with this video to munch on.

O and to those of you wondering, no Jay Leno is not actually leaving he's just giving his time slot up to Conan so that his show can be shown earlier... What a gentleman

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